Catholic Career Summit Debate Night

Join us for Catholic Debate Night! Topics relevant to faith, work, and life, in a friendly and engaging environment ✝️ Admission free

6.30pm Wed Nov 20th,1 Merrion Row, Dublin

Debate Topics

Can Catholics Work For Anti-Catholic Companies?
Should Freedom of Speech cover Obscene Art?
Are Unpaid Internships Ethical?
Homeschooling or Catholic Schooling?
Should Catholics Withdraw From or Engage With Mainstream Culture?
Should Catholics Use Dating Apps?
Should Under-18s Be Banned From Using Social Media?
Professions vs Trades for Catholic Careers
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"For it is by doubting that we come to inquiry, and by inquiry that we perceive the truth."

St. Thomas Aquinas


Catholic Debate Night

We would be delighted to see you on November 20th

Conference '24

All tickets include lunch, dinner, and drinks. Please let us know if you've any dietary requirements


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